Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Freezing in 30C weather conditions @.@

That's what happens when the nasty flu bug (i think) gives you a pounding when you least expect it. In a matter of a few hours after the onset of a very scratchy throat, I was reduced to a pathetic mass shivering under the blankets trying hard to sleep while a sledgehammer took a beating at my brain. Not a very pleasant experience.

Anyway, went to the doctor and was prescribed a whole host of medicine ranging from antibiotics to herbal lozenges. Bleah! As if swallowing water wasn't difficult enough with an inflammed and swollen throat, now I have to manage pills too. Ouch. And to put the icing on the cake, I MUST make sure I DON'T pass the bug to Janine as well. That is soooo difficult. How can I NOT kiss and cuddle my little energiser bunny? HOW???

I hate being sick.

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