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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas In A Can

As part of the build up to Christmas, we have been organising Christmasy activities for the boarders who are staying here with us during the holidays. One of the activities planned was for them to go to selected homes and do some good'ol Christmas Carolling and the response was very good! Quite a big group of them were gung-ho enough to lend their voices to the event.

So, as part of the "warm up" to the actual thing, some of us AHMs (KY and myself included) opened our apartments for them to have a "dry run" with their singing. So here you have it, our humble abode CRAMMED to near bursting with almost 50 people squeezed into the living room area!

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Taking into consideration these were kids with no professional training whatsoever, it was a pretty decent effort. But more importantly, EVERYONE was having fun and just getting into the mood and spirit of Christmas.

Oh and what was my little princess doing while the kor-kors and chey-cheys were singing their hearts out? She was busy inspecting the guitarists' strings and tweeking the knobs, which resulted in a couple of guitars going out of tune! Basically, she occupied herself with everything and anything except listen or sing along to the carolling (which I had hoped she would do). And then I think she got claustrophobic or maybe overwhelmed by all that Christmasy vibes, because after entertaining herself with the calender on the TV, she barraged her way through the wall of humans to seek refuge in our helper's room :P

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The funny things on her head were reindeer fashioned hair clips, a gift from one of the girls in the hall. Very into Christmas mode now! Cute ^^

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