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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Random Conversation ...A Prologue

I have a little planner that sits on my table that gives me little nuggets of parenting secrets everyday. One day (Mar 28) suggested that we "keep a journal of the funny things your children say. You may think you'll remember them - but the odds are you won't"

So I am going with the odds.

But I'm not going to just remember the funny ones, but those that capture the sad, happy, profound, difficult or light-bulb moments. To me, they will be like a little window that gives us a little peek into that particular time in our life as we watch our child(ren) growing up.

And maybe if there's enough, I can compile them into a book and publish them and make BIG bucks and retire early and travel the world and ...OK I digresss :P

Yup. That's the sentimental (calculative) mother for you! ^^

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